Sunday 17 November 2013

☀First Review☀

For my first real post, I wanted to write a mini review for a product that has changed my life.

My WHOLE LIFE I have dreamt of having long, luscious lashes (as I'm sure many of us have), yet I was given the dud genes and was therefore born with stumpy, non-existent lashes.. while of course my brothers eyelashes make him look like he's wearing falsies 24/7 (go figure)! I had tried so many different mascaras and brands and nothing made a difference.. they were still just as stumpy but now they were coated in product. I had almost given up on my dreams.. UNTIL!! I came across this amazing product; Revlon's "GROW Luscious" Mascara!

I was very skeptical at first, of course. A mascara that both lengthens AND GROWS your lashes? Yeah right. NOO! BELIEVEEE!
I used this mascara practically everyday for about a month or two (or until it eventually ran out/dried up) and I almost cried when I had to throw it away. This was a life changing product for me! My eyelashes went from "hello? Are you there?" to "WOAH! Hey there!" with just this mascara! I was able to swipe a few coats of Maybelline's "Falsies" mascara and actually LOOK like my eyelashes were dramatic and pow-pow in your face! Even without mascara I'm still getting used to my lashes tickling my eyelids when I blink. I really wish I had taken before and after shots with close ups, but because I was so skeptical I didn't think it would have made a difference. But now I feel like a girl again who can show off her eyelashes with pride :D
I know there are a lot of ladies out there who feel the same way I did, and I urge you to give this mascara a try! I'm curious to see if their new Lash Potion formula is similar and what kind of results you could get from it. But I can honestly say that now I can wear any mascara I want and I now have to worry about them looking TOOO long (if that's even possible)! Hahah.
This does retail in Australia for about $22, but it was seriously worth every cent :) YAY FOR LASHES!!
So I can now say I owe my life -at least the beauty side- to this product for giving me back my eye-confidence :D

Peace out!
<3 Hannah Kate

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